Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Surfing the Economic Crash -- Some Timely Advice

Surfing the Crash
-- Timely advice on making ends meet in the postmodern economic decline of the empire.


Your Mom
The voice of responsibility and duty, also known as the most boring and tedious method.  Unbuttered popcorn and a Disney movie on a Friday night.

College Sophmore       
Go you!  Finally free of the disorientation of freshman life as well as mom’s rules and tater tot casserole.  Also comes without the voice of experience and so turns out to be the most expensive (if stylish) method.

Iowa Farmer                
The epitome of the tight-fisted dad.  A master of logistics and thrift, he really knows the value of a dollar; he can actually calculate the hours and minutes of work in a basket of groceries or a Big Mac.

Greek Spartan              
Really over the top; so austere, the Amish quail at the prospect of giving up so much.  On the other hand, when the negative odds are mounting, and your situation looks like two million Persians to three hundred defenders, he’s your man.  He doesn’t merely make pennies scream, he squeezes them literally to death.

Pirate Captain               
Aaaaargh!  A man of particular tastes and a sense of style, who would risk hanging to lay hands on eggs Benedict and Café Latte, he’s not about to let a little poverty strip him of his comforts.  “A little fight, a  little flight…” All in a day’s work, eh mate?


Buy dial-up and use free email services, “no frills.”  Keep a log of internet time to help keep usage below a half hour a day.

Buy premium cable package, pay extra for the Hotmail without advertisements.  Click on all the “free” stuff and chances to win when they pop-up.  

Buy into the system that built the West and get ample supplies of stamps, envelopes, and paper.  That suspicious looking “www” just might translate into "666” somehow, anyway.  

Use the internet at work, with permission, on your own time.  

Equip the full boat wireless technology, then tap into an unsuspecting neighbor’s active internet.


Buy what’s on sale at K-Mart; they have designer stuff now!

Buy only from the trendy stores, the ones on the second level of the mall, you know, right?  The better fabric will last longer and so will prove to be cheaper in the long run.

Denim and flannel, my boy, and that there wool will see you through anything short of a cyclone.

Take all those offers for hand me downs from relatives and do-gooders at the church.  You don’t have to actually watch NASCAR to wear the shirts.  If you absolutely must shop, check out the deals at the local Goodwill.  The Salvation Army isn’t as cheap as it used to be.  

Hey!  Did you ever notice that the clothes worn by store mannequins don’t have magnetic security strips?  I have, mate, and I personally know two mannequins who sport clothes that are strangely familiar…


Drive the speed limit and buy gas at Costco.

Turn off the air conditioner and wear sundresses!  Have male friends pump the gas; they will say “forget it” more often than you would ever think.  If you are a male sophomore, see # 1.

Take the side roads and carpool whenever.  Short of carpooling, pick up hitchhikers and make them pay.

Walking is healthy, friend!  For trips over ten miles, they make those mechanical devices with two wheels and a chain drive.

Keep several gas cans and a rubber hose in the trunk of your Caddie for emergencies.  When your gas gage reads low, it’s time for sharing.  Don’t inhale as you siphon, get the rubber siphon ball; being a pirate doesn’t mean  you have to risk the “Big C.”

Lawn Care:

Lay-off the gardener, hire a nice college student.  They’ll work for almost anything, like cookies!  Observe odd/even watering schedule.  

Lawncare?  Eeew!  Why do you think I live in an apartment?  I think we pay a little extra in our rent for that.

Lawn, what lawn?  There wasn’t a lawn in the garden of Eden, just crops that needed tending.  Get back to work.

It rains in your state, doesn’t it?  What’s the question?

You have clippers, your city has golf courses.  If you just make a couple of little nocturnal withdrawals from the municipal Green Bank, no one needs to notice, so long as you don’t get greedy with the putting greens.  How about that nice patch there between the sand trap and the water hazard?

Seasonings for Cooking:

Buy the big container of Italian seasonings already mixed.  It’s the best deal, and all of your food can taste like your favorite.

Lots of salt.  They have so many pretty colorful salt mixes from countries with places with nice beaches and exotic mountains.

You are free to get anything you like the looks of in your garden, the bounty of the Lord!  Why pay for what you can grow yourself?  What?  You didn’t work for it?  No planting or watering?  It is written, “He that shall not work, shall not eat.”  Get on the stick.

Seasoning?  That which does not make us stronger, is a waste of money, friend.

Just you pour a little of that what you’re drinking over the meat on the grill, it’ll be fine.  For all other dishes, a little of that herb there will do nicely.  It’s not a crime to pick what you find in the wild; that trendy neighbor of yours sure has some wild herbs there, behind the shed in the back where the sun shines all the time, and no one can see, funny thing about that. 

Dental Care:

Brush and floss three times a day, and ask the dentist for the old style plain fillings.

They say that special gum prevents cavities.

Vegetables, my boy.  You’ll never need a dentist; I never did trust those big city people.  Bum tooth anyway?  Well, you remember how we fixed the horse, right there in the barn, don’t you?  Hey, where are you going?

Go to the local dental school and sign up for the “free care by students.”

Hey!  There’s a bone chip in my sandwich!  Look what you did to my tooth!  I’m calling my layer!


Make regular payments, even when you aren’t having anything done, just to get ahead for the inevitable.

If I buy a membership at the gym, I won’t really need a doctor, right?

See Dental (above).  Hey, where are you going?

Early to bed and early to rise, friend.  Maybe throw in an apple a day.

Interview for jobs until hired.  Go for pre-employment physical, don’t show for work.


Buy quality sensible shoes in classic style so you can wear them for years.

Find a flaw and demand a discount.

Get shoes resoled when worn, don’t buy new until absolutely necessary, like never.

Did you ever notice how your feet get tougher when you go barefoot?

Get army surplus, set a new trend, at least until you can trade with somebody in the locker room.


Handwash delicates, they will last longer, and here son, take some of your father’s, he has so many pairs, he can spare some.  

Buy Victoria Secrets, just On Sale

Buy JC Penny On Sale

Go Commando

Go to holiday events at relatives' homes and use the bedrooms the change clothes instead of the bathroom.  Don't worry, they'll never miss these two in the back that look like they've never been worn ...


Please come and pick up that guitar you never play

Play that guitar you never play.

Sell that guitar you never play.

Learn to sing, play for money on the street.

Get a marker and forge a signature on that guitar you never play.  Sell it for ten times its original worth.

College Textbooks:

Sell back the books you are done with.  Five dollars can still buy a lot.

Use loan program at school bookstore; keep books away from the crazy roommate.

Buy used books, select “ground shipment.”  Order a year in advance to allow for shipping.

Form study group; buy one book for four people.  “Collaborate and Graduate.”

Sell used books directly to freshman at an inflated cost to cover “valuable notes” inside.

Church Offering:

Pay your tithe, give to the missionaries, and support an orphan.

Tithe?  How much is that?  Is five dollars enough?

I can read.  The Bible says “ten percent,” right there in my King James.  That’s the meaning of tithe, it’s ten percent.  Anything more than that will have to be earned by that smart alec, know-it-all preacher.

“The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.”  If the Lord wants some money, let him come and take what he wants for himself; he doesn’t need your help in collecting it.

Proclaim your own ministry and collect your own, tax-free good-will offerings, love offerings, special offerings, etc.

Eating Out:

What!  What!  Here, I slave in the kitchen for you, and all you want it to go out?  You hardly visit, you never call your old mother; what is this world coming to?  Is that how I raised you?

You can order more food if you just skip the tip.  My friends say they do it all the time…

What you do, is look for where the truckers go; they always go where there are free refills.

Kill something, barbecue it at home.

a.)  Eat forty-five percent of a fine meal.  Be sure to have some wine.  Order exotic side dishes you intend to get sick on.  Make a fuss, wait in the bathroom until they forget you.
b.)  Eat same meal.  Go for the fake heart attack.  Lie motionless after the performance.  When at the hospital, assure the doctor that you merely fainted due to severe motion sickness, no problem, I’ll just be on my way now…

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